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EKONOMI | Malaysia diunjurkan kembali mengatasi saiz ekonomi Singapura pada tahun 2027 selepas dipintas oleh negara itu pada 2015 menurut laporan Jadual Liga Ekonomi Dunia (WELT) 2023.
Menurut laporan dihasilkan peramal ekonomi antarabangsa berpangkalan di London, Pusat Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Perniagaan (CEBR) menjelaskan persaingan membabitkan dua negara tetangga Singapura dan Malaysia berkemungkinan berterusan.
"Ekonomi Singapura mengatasi ekonomi Malaysia pada 2015. Kami mengunjurkan yang Malaysia akan mengatasi Singapura sekali lagi pada 2027, didorong oleh gabungan demografi dan asas ekonominya yang lebih luas.
"Dalam tempoh 15 tahun akan datang, Malaysia dijangka meningkat secara beransur-ansur dalam jadual ini daripada kedudukan ke-41 pada tahun 2022 kepada tempat ke-35 pada tahun 2037.
"Malah Malaysia, yang kini ketinggalan enam tempat di belakang Singapura dalam jadual ini, diramalkan akan berpindah ke empat tempat di atas Singapura menjelang tempoh akhir ramalan ini pada 2037," katanya dalam laporan WELT yang diterbitkan pada 26 Disember 2022.
WELT 2023 mendapati saiz ekonomi Malaysia pada tahun 2022 adalah AS$382 bilion (RM1.68 trilion).
Dalam sedekad akan datang, CEBR mengunjurkan ekonomi negara ini berkembang pada purata kadar tahunan 3.5 peratus.
Ini membolehkan saiz ekonomi Malaysia berkembang sehingga AS$567 bilion (RM2.5 trilion) pada 2027 dan AS$967 bilion (RM4.2 trilion) pada 2037.
Saiz ekonomi Singapura yang pada tahun 2022 bernilai AS$421 bilion (RM1.8 trilion) pula diunjurkan berkembang kepada AS$565 bilion (RM2.4 trilion) pada 2027 dan AS$869 bilion (RM3.8 trilion) pada 2037.
Edisi terkini WELT 2023 adalah laporan tinjauan ekonomi dunia tahunan ke-14 CEBR.
WELT menjejaki saiz ekonomi yang berbeza di seluruh dunia dan mengunjurkan perubahan dalam tempoh 15 tahun akan datang, sehingga 2037.
Di peringkat serantau, Malaysia bagaimanapun dijangka diatasi oleh kebanyakan negara jiran yang lain dengan laporan itu turut menyebut Indonesia, negara keempat paling ramai penduduk di dunia, dijangka bergerak daripada ekonomi ke-17 terbesar di dunia pada 2022 menjadi ekonomi ke-11 terbesar menjelang 2037.
Vietnam pula meningkat daripada tempat ke-39 pada tahun 2022 kepada tempat ke-26 pada tahun 2037, manakala Thailand dari ke-31 bergerak ke-25 dan Filipina dari tempat ke-38 naik kepada 27.
Di peringkat Asia pula, India kini secara jelas dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi kuasa ekonomi ketiga terbesar dunia.
Angka yang disemak kini menunjukkan bahawa India mengatasi United Kingdom (UK) untuk menjadi ekonomi kelima terbesar di dunia pada 2021.
Ia diunjurkan akan memintas Jerman untuk menjadi ekonomi keempat terbesar di dunia pada 2026 dan untuk memintas Jepun untuk menjadi ekonomi ketiga terbesar di dunia pada tahun 2032.
Menjelang 2035, India diramalkan untuk menjadi ekonomi AS$10 trilion dolar ketiga di dunia.
Sementara itu, laporan berkenaan mendapati ekonomi negara-negara Eropah dijangka tidak banyak berubah.
Sejak beberapa tahun lalu, CEBR mengunjurkan UK akan berkembang lebih pesat berbanding kebanyakan negara Kesatuan Eropah (EU) lain di sebalik kekurangan yang tercetus daripada Brexit.
Bagaimanapun, tinjauan cukai yang tinggi di UK bermakna pertumbuhannya mungkin tidak dapat mengatasi kebanyakan ekonomi utama Eropah yang lain, kecuali di atas sebab demografi.
Ekonomi Russia, kesembilan terbesar di dunia tahun ini dijangka merosot ke tempat ke-14 menjelang 2037 susulan pelbagai sekatan yang dikenakan ke atas negara itu akibat pencerobohannya ke atas Ukraine.
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Berikut Adalah Laporan CEBR Berkenaan Malaysia
As of 2022, Malaysia is estimated to have a PPP adjusted GDP per capita of $33,113 and is classified as an upper-middle-income country. The COVID-19 pandemic saw the country's GDP contract by 5.5% in 2020.
Nonetheless, the economy experienced a bounce back in 2021, with a growth rate of 3.1%,
followed by expected further growth of 5.4% in 2022. Consequently, output is judged to have stood 2.6% above 2019 levels in 2022.
The country achieved a favourable growth-inflation trade-off in 2022, with above average GDP performance alongside 3.2% expected inflation.
This stands in contrast to the sharp increase in inflation seen in many economies worldwide. Estimated inflation in 2022 was high relative to the previous decade's average of 1.8%.
The economy has been buoyed by a tight labour market, with the share of the labour force not in work expected to have fallen by 0.2 percentage points to 4.4% in 2022.
The high number of people in employment is a key strength for the economy, ensuring that consumer spending can be supported in the short to medium term.
A moderate level of government debt is anticipated, with the public sector debt to GDP ratio estimated to have stood at 69.6% in 2022, slightly above the 69.0% recorded in 2021.
The performance of the private sector in Malaysia is bolstered by a regulatory and institutional environment that is conducive to business activity. In 2020, the country ranked 12th in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index, compared to 21st in 2016.
The annual rate of GDP growth is forecast to slow to an average of 3.7% between 2023 and 2027. Over the subsequent decade, Cebr forecasts that the economy will expand at an annual rate of 3.5%, on average.
In the coming 15 years, Malaysia is expected to gradually move up in the World Economic League Table, from 41st position in 2022 to 35th place in 2037.
Possibly more importantly in terms of local bragging rights, Malaysia, which is currently six places behind Singapore in the League Table, is forecast to move to four places above Singapore by the end of the forecast period.
Sumber : CEBR/ 26 Disember 2022
Berikut Adalah Kenyataan Media Penuh CEBR :
World Economic League Table 2023
We expect world GDP will continue to recover. We estimate that it will amount to $102 trillion for 2022 as a whole and will roughly double to $206 trillion in 2037. But in the short term, there is likely to be a growth recession in 2023 as a result of the aftermath of high inflation in 2022.
Driving the growth will be the continued expansion in previously underdeveloped economies as they catch up with and overtake the more traditionally rich countries.
One of the biggest changes since last year has been our view about China. Two years ago, we expected that it would overtake the US in 2028. Last year, we moved the forecast out to 2030.
We now think that it will take until 2036 for China to overtake the US economy. This revised view reflects the increased hit to the Chinese economy from the country’s zero Covid policy, and increased trade tensions between China and the West.
Our estimate is that, if China attacks Taiwan, there is a good chance that the scale of resultant international sanctions would impair the economy to the extent that the country never manages to overtake the US. Fifteen percent of China’s GDP is exports to countries which would be likely to retaliate.
India is now clearly on its way to becoming the world’s third economic superpower. Revised figures now show that India overtook the UK to become the world’s 5th largest economy in 2021.
It has consolidated this position and is forecast to overtake Germany to become the world’s 4th largest economy in 2026 and to overtake Japan to become the world’s 3rd largest economy in 2032. By 2035, India is forecast to become the world’s third $10 trillion dollar economy.
Indonesia, the world’s 4th most populous country, is expected to advance from the world’s 17th largest economy in 2022 to become the world’s 11th largest economy by 2037.
Three rapidly growing Asian economies are the fastest risers in the table amongst the larger economies. Vietnam rises from 39th place in 2021 to 26th place in 2037; Bangladesh from 34th to 20th and the Philippines from 38th to 27th.
The relative position of the European economies does not change much. In previous years we forecast that the UK would grow faster than most EU states despite the handicaps resulting from Brexit. The relatively high tax outlook for the UK now means that its growth is unlikely to exceed most other major European economies, except for demographic reasons.
The Russian economy was 9th largest in 2022. But the aftermath of sanctions against it following the invasion of Ukraine means it is likely to fall back to 14th by 2037.
The local rivalry between Singapore and Malaysia is likely to continue. The Singaporean economy overtook the Malaysian economy in 2015. We forecast that Malaysia will overtake Singapore again in 2027, driven by the combination of demographics and its wider economic base and will be the world’s 35th largest economy by 2037.
The latest edition of the World Economic League Table, WELT 2023, is produced by international economic forecasters, the London-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) at a time of significant change in the world order and increasing global economic uncertainty. It is Cebr’s 14th annual world economic outlook report.
The WELT tracks the size of different economies across the globe and projects changes over the next 15 years, up to 2037.
The changes in this year’s Cebr World Economic League Table are amongst the largest we have made in the 14 years that we have been producing the report.
After about 50 years of opening up, China now looks again to be turning in on itself which is likely to hold back its performance much in the same ways as in the past. Meanwhile India now seems unstoppable in its momentum to become the third economic superpower. In 2035 we forecast that India will become the third $10 trillion economy. Although there are political factors that could hold India back, it has demographics on its side.
Although our forecast for the UK’s ranking doesn’t show any change, our underlying forecasts are much more pessimistic. Underpinning this is the expectation of much higher taxes to pay for the collapse in productivity in the public sector. Whereas before we expected UK growth to exceed that in the rest of Europe, now we expect it to be much the same.
Though we still expect the world to grow, the tone of this report is much more pessimistic than those of its predecessors. The instability evidenced by the war in Ukraine and increasing international tensions provide an unpromising background.
Kay Daniel Neufeld, Director and Head of Forecasting at Cebr said: ‘It is likely that the world economy will face recession next year as a result of the rises in interest rates in response to higher inflation.
Central banks were very slow to realise the scale of the inflationary problems about which we have been warning and, as a result, the rises in interest rates and the monetary deceleration have been abrupt. The good news is that inflation should fall quite quickly, the bad news is that in many countries it will take a recession to make this happen.’
Karl Thompson, Cebr Economist pointed out: ’The date at which the US is expected to be surpassed by China in economic terms has now been postponed by six years, to 2036. This comes as growth in the US economy and the dollar has been more impressive than previously expected, while domestic developments in China make for a weaker economic outlook.
Looking further ahead past our forecast horizon, it is conceivable that demographic factors could in fact eventually see the US regain its place ahead of China.’
Pushpin Singh, Cebr Economist also observed: ’India overtook the UK to become the fifth largest economy in 2021, and is poised to become the third largest economy by 2032, leapfrogging Germany and Japan in the process.
A considerable portion of the jump by the world’s largest democracy is due to demographics; India’s population is set to reach 1.5 billion by the end of the century, almost double China’s. Beyond 2037, it is likely that the scale of the Indian economy will eventually rival those of the US and China because of these demographic trends.’