Tangkap layar laporan media Shopee
GLOBAL | SINGAPURA: Beberapa kakitangan yang berkhidmat dengan syarikat e-dagang, Shopee di ibu pejabatnya di republik ini mula menerima notis pemberhentian kerja sejak 19 September 2022.
Agensi Berita Singapura TODAY pada 20 September 2022 melaporkan tindakan itu dipercayai menjejaskan satu digit peratusan daripada jumlah pekerja di syarikat terbabit.
Perkembangan terbaharu itu adalah sebahagian daripada gelombang pengurangan pekerja yang lebih meluas dilaksanakan Shopee di seluruh rantau ini seperti mana diumumkan, semalam.
Shopee di Indonesia juga akan melepaskan tiga peratus pekerjanya.
Ketika diminta mengulas perkara itu, Shopee memaklumkan kepada TODAY bahawa perubahan terbabit adalah sebahagian daripada usaha berterusan syarikat untuk mengoptimumkan kecekapan operasi dengan matlamat bagi mencapai autonomi merentasi perniagaannya.
"Kami menyatakan sokongan kepada rakan sekerja yang terjejas ketika proses peralihan ini," katanya.
Melalui kenyataan dikeluarkan bersama dengan kesatuan penerbitan dan media kreatif yang mewakili pekerja Shopee, syarikat itu berkata pihaknya berhubung dengan kesatuan dan Institut Pekerjaan dan Daya Kerja Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Kebangsaan (e2i) bagi tujuan pemberhentian berkenaan.
"Syarikat memberi jaminan kepada pihak kesatuan bahawa pakej pampasan yang sesuai akan diberikan kepada pekerja yang terjejas selaras dengan norma pasaran.
"Selain itu, bantuan pekerjaan, termasuk bimbingan kerjaya dan perkhidmatan pemadanan pekerjaan melalui rangkaian kesatuan dan e2i akan ditawarkan, jika diperlukan.
"(Kesatuan) juga akan terus bekerjasama rapat dengan Shopee untuk memastikan kepentingan dan kebajikan pekerja dijaga sebaik mungkin," katanya.
Syarikat induk Shopee, Sea Limited, dilaporkan mengalami kerugian bersih AS$931 juta (RM4.23 bilion) pada suku kedua tahun 2022.
Jumlah itu adalah lebih daripada dua kali ganda kerugian dalam tempoh yang sama pada 2021.
Minggu lalu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Sea Limited, Forrest Li menghantar e-mel dalaman kepada pekerja yang menjelaskan bahawa saat ini adalah waktu bergolak untuk industri.
Melalui e-mel kepada TODAY, beliau menjelaskan bahawa syarikat itu tidak terlepas daripada terkena tempias besar ekonomi seperti gangguan rantaian bekalan, inflasi yang tinggi, pertumbuhan ekonomi yang perlahan dan perang Russia-Ukraine yang sedang berlangsung.
"Malangnya, kami tidak terlepas daripada kejutan ini... keadaan negatif ini berkemungkinan berterusan dalam jangka masa sederhana," katanya.
Pada Jun, Shopee memberhentikan beberapa pekerja daripada pasukan penghantaran makanan ShopeeFood dan pembayaran dalam talian ShopeePay di seluruh Asia Tenggara.
Shopee mempunyai 67,000 pekerja sehingga akhir tahun lalu yang mana platform perdagangan dalam talian itu adalah antara satu daripada dua perniagaan utama Sea.
Berikut adalah laporan berita Today:
Shopee lays off some employees in Singapore amid 'turbulent period', working with union to support those affected
Some employees at Shopee’s headquarters in Singapore have received notice that they will be retrenched
Shopee said that the retrenchment exercise is part of its ongoing efforts to optimise operating efficiency
It is working with the Creative Media and Publishing Union to extend "appropriate compensation packages" to affected employees, it added
SINGAPORE — Weeks after news came that e-commerce firm Shopee’s parent company was trimming its manpower at its gaming livestream business Garena and its development arm, some staff members at Shopee’s headquarters in Singapore have received notice that they will be retrenched.
TODAY understands that a low single-digit percentage of Singapore employees at Shopee will be affected.
The latest development is part of a broader wave of job cuts across the region that it announced on Monday (Sept 19), including Indonesia where it will let go of 3 per cent of its employees.
In response to queries from TODAY, Shopee said: “These changes are part of our ongoing efforts to optimise operating efficiency with the goal of achieving self-sufficiency across our business.
“We are extending support to our affected colleagues during this transition.”
In a joint statement with the Creative Media and Publishing Union — which represents Shopee’s employees — Shopee said that it is in touch with the union and the National Trades Union Congress’ Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).
“The company has assured the Creative Media and Publishing Union that appropriate compensation packages will be extended to affected employees in line with market norms,” it added.
“Employment facilitation and assistance, including career coaching and job matching services via the Creative Media and Publishing Union’s network and e2i will be offered, if required.
“(The union) will also continue to work closely with Shopee to ensure that employees’ interests and welfare are taken care of as much as possible.”
Shopee’s parent company, Sea Limited, reported a net loss of US$931 million (S$1.3 billion) in the second quarter of this year. This was more than double the losses in the same period in 2021.
Last week, Sea’s chief executive officer Forrest Li sent an internal email to employees saying that this is a “turbulent period” for the industry. In the email that was made available to TODAY, he explained that the company has not been immune to the “series of macro-economic blows” such as supply chain disruptions, rapid inflation, slow economic growth and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
“Sadly, we are not immune to these shocks… these negative conditions will likely persist into the medium term,” Mr Li said.
“Our number one objective for the next 12 to 18 months is achieving self-sufficiency. This means achieving positive cashflow as soon as we can.”
To do so, Mr Li said that Sea will be reducing its operating costs “in the immediate term”. Alongside other top management leaders, Mr Li would be forgoing his salary.
Earlier this month, Shopee had rescinded job offers — primarily those in technology positions in Singapore — leaving some international employees stranded upon arrival here.
In June, it laid off some employees from its food delivery arm ShopeeFood and online payment ShopeePay teams across Southeast Asia. Staff members in Mexico, Argentina and Chile were also cut alongside a cross-border team supporting the Spanish market.
Early in the year, Shopee said that it was pulling out of France, which was followed by Sea announcing in March that it is withdrawing from India's retail market due to "global market uncertainties", just months after starting operations there.
TODAY has asked Shopee for the exact number of employees laid off and more details on its compensation packages.