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12 Characteristics That Make A Perfect Boss

(Not only do bosses and managers need to read this article, but employees should also not ignore this article!)

1 - Create two main types of motivation: external and internal

Extrinsic motivation is external factors that encourage the team to work towards a common goal. Increasing wages, reducing working hours, increasing days off, giving rewards or even threatening to terminate the contract are the primary factors that help employees have more purpose in working.

Inner motivation comes from within yourself. It is the desire to overcome challenges and produce high-quality products. This motivated person will be satisfied and enjoy what they do.

Everyone's personality is different, so leaders need to understand, explore each individual and find the most relevant factors that motivate them to succeed.

2 - Good leaders know how to eliminate dissatisfaction and create satisfaction

Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg said you could motivate the team by removing dissatisfaction factors at work and then create satisfaction.

Causes of discomfort arise from unreasonable company policies, too strict supervision, lack of work safety or jealousy of other members. If you do not solve these problems, they will be dissatisfied, making it difficult to encourage and motivate.

Once you have eliminated the negative factors, you must continue creating joy at work. Clear promotion opportunities, high responsibility at work, and continuous training and development are the best tips to "please" employees.

3 - Personalize motivational methods

Remember, a team comprises many individuals with unique backgrounds, backgrounds, and experiences. Therefore, each person needs different motivating factors. To get the best results, managers need to take time to learn and put themselves in each person's personality to create the most appropriate motivation.

4 - Leaders know how to put their trust in employees

You may not realize it, but management style is strongly influenced by the level of trust employees have. Therefore, bosses must observe their employees, discover the right way to motivate them, and at the same time trust their subordinates and allow them to grow.

5 - Use software to support management

There are many apps you can use to manage more effectively. You can use apps to boost employee morale, planning, and more. So why don't you take advantage?

As with sales management software, you can calculate the source of incoming and outgoing goods and whether the sales activity of the personnel is effective or not based on sales.

6 - Employee salary and bonus must be clear

If employees do a good job and bring you profits, don't forget to reward or pay the right amount of salary they deserve because that will increase their work morale.

A person always excited about work will work effectively and bring revenue to the company. So don't be "stingy" with your employees because when you treat them well, you will get more back than you lose.

7 - Be a collaborative leader, not a pointing boss

Employees will have to do whatever you say is entirely wrong thinking. A good manager will never give orders because they know money can buy their time but not their creativity or passion for their work.

So, for the job to be solved, you should join the support team and discuss with your staff to develop an effective working direction.

8 - Stop scrutinizing too much

Management is the job you need to do, but it does not mean you have to monitor every gesture and behaviour of your employees. A relaxed and free spirit will help your employees achieve better work performance. This will reduce the employee's work productivity because of the stress of facing the scrutiny of the superiors.

9 - Don't divide employees by encouraging competition

Employee competition can promote work, but it is also a double-edged sword. Competition can also bring about internal conflicts that affect the teamwork of employees.

Therefore, instead of encouraging internal competition, you should create opportunities for them to develop and compete together against your competitors.

10 - Leadership is not always "know-it-all."

A lot of bosses anger employees by acting like they know it all. But in reality, many employees know more than you do. And just like that, you lost a competent staff to your competitor after just one tantrum.

11 - Communicate what you want in employees as straight as possible

Many managers expect employees to be able to understand everything they think and work as they please. However, that is not possible, so you need to tell your employees what you want and give them feedback on what is not satisfactory. This will get the job done smoothly, and the staff doesn't waste time reading your mind.

12 - Hosting staff training sessions regularly

Not all people are self-conscious about learning new knowledge to serve their work, so you need to instruct and teach them new knowledge. Regularly opening training courses and sharing work experiences will help you develop your staff. The better you train, the more your employees will gain experience in dealing with their work more effectively.


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